samedi 13 août 2011

Closer to the edge

  30 Seconds To Mars is probably my favorite band of the moment. They have been around for a while but really caught my attention only about a month ago. I have been listening to lots of rock lately and litterally fell upon the  music video to the song Hurricane and I was instantly hooked! Never have I seen a more artistically beautiful clip. Not only do all the band members star in it, but Jared Leto, the band's lead singer, actually directed the clip, as he does for many of their clips, such as Kings And Queens and Closer To The Edge.

 The band was formed by Jared and Shannon Leto in 1998. Since then , they have released 3 albums : 30 Seconds To Mars (2002) , A Beautiful Lie (2005) and  This Is War (2009) . Although their music is hard to cathegorise, they are usually considered a progressive rock band. Their sound is completely different and I personally love it! 

Rock fan or not, I'm sure that you'll appreciate 30 Seconds To Mars. Go get their latest album out in stores now, you won't regret it !